
Why Mailchimp is Still the Best Email Marketing Platform: You Get What You Pay For!

Mailchimp is Still the Best Email Market Platform Available in 2023. They Still offer up to 2000 subscribers for free to get your business started and moving in the right direction. Mailchimp offer the most robots features for email campaigns on the markets. Setting up an email campaign couldn’t be simpler and can be done in just a few minutes. They are one of the more expensive email marketing platforms once you get past your first free 2000 subscribers but we all know you get what you pay for. You are not going to be disappointed with the results your are going to get with Mailchimp.

Why Are There So Many More Emails About other Marketing Platforms?

I am sure in Your Research you have come across many Blogs that list the top email marketing platforms. You are wondering to yourself why is Nomad Mogul saying Mailchimp is the best and Mailchimp doesn’t make anyone else’s list? The answer is simple Mailchimp does not offer and Affiliate Link. They do offer a rewards program but no actual affiliate program that pays out cash. If your not familiar with affiliate marketing the simple version is companies provide bloggers like myself with a link. If you click through this link and make a purchase the blogger receives a small fee, this comes at no extra expense to you but you can see why Mailchimp would be left off so many lists. This is also in my opinion why it isn’t generally ranked as number 1 on these lists or listed at all.

The second part of this is you can not affiliate market with Mailchimp.. So an affiliate Marketer would have no use for rewards points because they can’t send out there affiliate marketing campaigns with Mailchimp. My Guess is Mailchimp does this to not have a problem with spam and continue to provide expectational deliverability. So if you are an affiliate marketer reading this I would not recommend MailChimp for you email marketing.

My Personal Experience With Mailchimp

I first started using Mailchimp in 2012. I used Mailchimp to promote a yearly group event. Mailchimp allowed me to be very successful at pulling off this event, I would send weekly campaigns for 6 months leading up to the event.

Firstly, Mailchimp is very easy to use (and I have used pretty much all of the other email marketing platforms out there). You don’t have to be an expert, they lay everything out for you and make it easy to follow the process of making a email template and sending an email campaign. It is also super easy to add email contacts to your list. You can either copy and paste them or up load an CSV file. I like to copy and paste because for me this is the most simple and easy way to go about this. They also filter out duplicate contacts if you select the box to do this.

Secondly, it was really easy to customize my emails so that I could get my message and marketing style across. It looks really good and professional. They also have good options to send your campaigns out at different times. I though this was a good feature because if you know your group well you can select a time that you know most people will open your email, or, Mailchimp will figure that out for you which I though was pretty cool. You can also send out in batches which helps with deliverability and can stop your website from crashing from having too many visitors all at the same time.

Lastly, when I would send out a email campaign I loved the fact that you can see exactly how many people are coming to your website (through google analytics) and literally after sending out a campaign I would have 100+ emails to get back to the next day. Mailchimp has never limited my ability to send emails. If you pay you can send, its that simple with Mailchimp. Also, I think it is important to note that I have never had any customers inform me that any of my campaigns went to spam. I also have my own “test” emails on the list I send and I have never had one go to spam either.

MailChimp Email Marketing Campaign Features

Mailchimp Email Campaigns come with some great ready to use features that can help you quilled and easily optimize your email campaigns. These features will not only help you impress your subscribers they will help you increase your open rate and tracks your email campaigns success.

Email Templates

Mailchimp offer a ton of predesigned templates for your emails campaigns. So if you are stuck for ideas don’t worry you will have plenty to choose from. The predesigned templates are super to to change and edits. You can easily add your own pictures in and text and have your campaign ready to send in no time.

Email Designer

The email designer is if you want to design your own emails. This is great because you can choose which elements you want to use in your email. It is very easy to use and you can drag and drop everthing. You can also upload your own images. They have a good selection of changeable formats for the colors, fonts etc. so you can can customize your email to your preferences and easily add buttons.

Time Warp

Time Warp is an option you can choose when scheduling your campaign it will deliver an email campaign to your audience based on the recipient’s time zone, instead of the time zone in your account settings. Keep in mind you have to schedule this a day a head of time. This will defiantly get you more opens!

Optimized Time

Not sure when to send your Campaign to get the best engagement? Mailchimp offers an optimized send time. Mailchimp uses click data from your subscribers on your list to pick the best time for you to send!

Send In Batches

Mailchimp offers you the option to send your campaign out in as many as 26 batches. You can choose interval times from anywhere from as little as five minutes apart to as long as one hours. If you have a large list this is a great way to segment your list for better deliverability. It can also keep you from getting hammered with traffic on your website all at once.

Merge Tags

Merge tags are great for sending email campaigns. This allows you to include your subscribers information in an email and personalize an email. The most common merge tag used is Hello *|FNAME|*. What this bit of code will do is insert the personal first name in the email where *|FNAME|*. There are several merge tags you can use depending on what information you take from your subscribers when they sign up. Also don’t panic on an email test, in a test email it will show up as *|FNAME|*.

Advanced Segmentation

Mailchimp with gather all of your subscribers data from previous campaigns that you have sent out and allow you to build segments using purchase history, website movements, and more. This will allow business owners like you to send their campaigns to target subscribers more precisely.

Test Your campaign

Testing your Campaign in my opinion is a must. This is a great way for you to see how your design is going to look in your subscribers inbox. It is also a great opportunity to make your all of your links work and there are no spelling mistakes.

Auto Post Your Campaign on Social Media

I personally love this feature. This allow you to connect MailChimp yo your social media profiles. Once you have your profiles connected Mailchimp will post on your social media profiles every time you send out a campaign. Here is my favorite part the link they post is connected to an email list sign up form. I have got a ton of new subscribers by using this feature.

Campaign Stats

Mailchimp provides comp again stats for every campaign you send. These stats include, Emails Delivered, Bounce rate, Emails Opened, and Clicks through rate. The stats also show the most engaged subscribers and subscriber demographics.


As you can see I have had a great personal experience with Mailchimp with certain businesses that I run. They have come a long way since 2012 and continue to innovate and offer more and more features to there customers. I think for someone starting a new business it is a no brainer to start with a free MailChimp account. It can take some time to build up a list of 2000 email contacts. I can say one thing for sure if your business has built up 2000 business contacts your are already makes some decent revenue. If you get up to 2000 and decide you want to switch over to another service Mailchimp Makes it super easy to exports your contacts and breaks the lists down into Subscribers, unsubscribed, and cleaned emails for you. What are you eating for get emailing with Mailchimp!


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