Managed WordPress Hosting

What is WordPress Managed Hosting? Do You Need it?

WordPress managed hosting is one of the most popular hosting options for WordPress users . Unlike with shared hosting were you have to install WordPress yourself using cPanel on a Managed WordPress hosting all of the basics are taken care of for you so you can focus on your website. When you are using a shared hosting account you and other users can install a variety of different scripts and applications. For more on shared Hosting I have written an article click here to read. Managed WordPress hosting is set up specially for WordPress only at the server level and will only host WordPress sites. In this article we will take a look at why you should consider managed WordPress hosting as an option, what’s is included with managed WordPress hosting, and what kind of performance you can expect with your hosting account.


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How Does Manage WordPress Hosting Work?

If you new to hosting and you want to set up your first WordPress website I would highly recommend going with managed hosting for WordPress. Hosting companies have really streamlined the process and made it quick and easy to set up a new WordPress site in literally just few minutes. You can do this without any prior experience or developer knowledge.

Top 10 Reason to Choose Managed WordPress Hosting

I have put together my top 10 reason you should choose managed hosting over shared hosting if you are are thinking about starting a WordPress website.

1. Hosting Support

This is one of the top reasons a lot of people choose to get managed WordPress hosting. It is going to save you a lot of time and headaches. The support you are going to get is going to be WordPress focused and the support teams tend to have a lot more knowledge because they are specializes in one area.

2. Uptime

With Managed WordPress hosting you can expect greater uptime than with shared hosting. With managed WordPress hosting it is your hosting companies responsibility to keep your WordPress website online and running smoothly. When there is an update they will make sure to adjust the server spec a head of time to keep your site online.

3. Automatic Back Ups

With a managed WordPress hosting account back up will be included. You should always back your work up when wording with WordPress. Its as easy a clicking on the wrong plugin to crash your site and lose all your work forever so this is a great feature. With shared hosting you would most likely be expected to set your backup up yourself.

4. Optimized Specifically for WordPress

Unlike Shared Hosting managed WordPress hosting will be optimized for WordPress at the server level specifically for WordPress. With shared hosting you would most likely not be able to optimize your hosting as well for WordPress due to the limitation you would have. This is a big adamant of having hosting that only deals with WordPress and not other CMS.

5. Set up for Performance

Because your server will be set up specifically to host WordPress you can expect a lot better performance right of the bat. With shared hosting you have to set up your installation yourself an optimize it. Even if you are an expert you might not be able to fine tune it exactly how you want because your are sharing the server with other installations. With managed hosting everything is set up for performance.

6. Updates

With Managed WordPress hosting you do not have to worry about updates. Your updated will be done by your hosting company for you anytime there is a new release of WordPress.

7. Clear Operating costs

With Managed WordPress hosting you are going to be able to know what your hosting costs are upfront. There won’t be any hidden costs your not expected or any need to hire a developer to fix a problem you are having on your server.

8. Flexibility & Scalability

Unlike with shared hosting there will not ne any need to migrate your website over to a VPS or Dedicated server when your website starts to grow. With Managed WordPress hosting you will be informed when your are reaching your resource limit and be able to easily upgrade.

9. Time saving

Having managed WordPress hosting is going to save you a lot of time. It will be fast and super easy to set up. You wont have to perform an maintnces or worry about updates. With managed hosting everything is taken care of for you and you can focus on your business.

10. Test environment 

Managed WordPress offers staging tools to be able to test change on your website before you actually implant a change that goes live. This is a great feature to make sure your website stays online while you are working on it!

Bonus – Coming Soon Mode

As someone that has created an continues to create new websites on a regular basis I thought I would included this on my list. Most providers offer you an option in your hosting dashboard. It is a nice feature to be able to keep your website offline while you get it ready to launch with out have to bother with any additional plugins. With a simple click of a button on your dashboard your site will be online but a coming soon page will show.

What kind of Performance can You Expect with Manage WordPress Hosting?

WordPress Hosting specially optimized for WordPress powered websites. The server architecture, databases have been developed to enhance the performance of your website by the hosting company. You should see much better pagespeed, and website load times than with shared hosting. If you are new to using WordPress and running a website in vernally you are not going to have nearly as many issue as you would with shared hosting.


If you are sure that your project is going to be using word press as your CMS then ,managed WordPress hosting is a great option. This will keep your sots of operating down as well as your stress. With Managed WordPress hosting you are going to have your new website up and running in a few minutes as well as being completely optimized. Keep in mind the one thing you can’t do with a WordPress hosting account is run another CMS on it so you will lose the flexibility to change down the road. If you are interested in running another CMS for your new website I have written an article on shared hosting click here to read.


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