Email Marketing

Top 10 Ways to Successfully Use Email Marking to Grow Your Business. You Need to do these!

Email marking is any essential toll for any business. In todays market. With ads and commercials every business competition is high. With all of life’s distractions emails are your direct line to your customers and potential customers. Decisions you make about email marketing can literally be make or brake for your business. When email marketing is used the right way it can be the most power marketing tool out there. I have put together a list of ways you can start maximizing your email marketing today!

1. How to Use Email Receipts to Make More Sales!

Email receipts are a great way to promote additional products or services to a new or long time customer. Customers are going to look over there receipt . When we spend money we are all going to make sure that we made the right purchase got the right product service, etc. This is a great opportunity to make additional promotions to your customer. You know your are going to have their full attention so it is a great time to add related products or services It would also be a great time to offer a discount on a related product or service.

2. Follow up After Sales

After making a sale you always want to follow up with customers and make sure they are not having an kind of issue with the product or service that they have purchase. If you have sold a physical product that has to be delivered make sure your customer has received it. If it is a digital product make sure your customer was able to download it. Everyone hate it when they buy something and don’t get it on time. Get a head of any problems and don’t lose new customer. They want to hear from you!

3. Request Customer Feedback

Once you have a new customer this is the time to request feedback. Everyone loves to hear good feedback about there product or service . It might surprise you but I request feedback to hear what customers are not happy about. This is crucial for a new product or service. I have learned some many little things I would have never thought of from requesting feedback. It is all about the little things. I have been able to get a head of complaints and improve services and products I offer buy using this method. Being able to make these small tweaks and adjustments before receiving complaints shows your customers you are always improving and working hard for them even after they have purchased.

4. Request Satisficed Customer to Write a positive Review.

Having positive review can greatly increase your sales. If your like me you look at reviews before making any purchase. I personally like to read both the negative and positive reviews. This can give me an idea of what I am in for when I make a purchase good and bad. If there are only negative reviews or there are way more negative reviews than good ones I move on quickly. So make sure to follow up with satisficed customers and ask them for a review you are going to need them to grow your business. People are busy these days so sometime they need need to be reminded to give back. Make sure to be detailed in the email where and how to levee a review. The easier you make it the more likely they are to do it.

5. Customer Success Stories

A customer success story is like a google review on steroids’! Not only was this customer happy with your product or service but it help them achieve success. This wont apply to all products and services you sell. One common example that will be easy to understand would be a peroneal trainer. If a client was able to ache vice their personal goal having this client as a success story is a great way to generate new sales. In the age of youtue having have a short video would be my advice. Emailing a success video to potential customers is going to fill them with confidence that your service or product can help them achieve their goals!

6. Offer Discounts with a Deadline

Lets be honest everybody loves a deal! Offering discounts on your products and services is a great way to get new customers to take the plunge and make a purchase. A great ways to drive sales with email marketing is to set a deadline for the discount your are offering. I would recommend setting the deadline a month from the first email. Sending a few emails a week reminding about the discount until the last week. Then one email a day for the last week. You are definably going to see some sales by taking this approach.

7. Brand Information and History

Use email marketing to educate potential customers about your products and services. This is a great way to tell them about yourself, your company, and how it all started. Customers knowing your back ground and about who you are is going to give them confidence that you can provide a quality product or service. This is your chance to Brag! This is your chance to tell your story, and how it all started, even where it is all going. The more you explain about what your brand is and where it came from the more confidence potential customers are going to have to make that first purchase!

8. Tutorials for purchased Products or Services

This is must depending on the product or services your are selling. You want to keep customers happy and want them to have a great experience. We have all bought that Ikea desk got it home to find there was no instructions on the inside! Emails are a great way to make sure customers have all the information they need to be able to use your service or product right away after purchase. Remember if it seems simple to you it might not be. You are an expert about your product or service your customer might not be. It is also going to make you look professional and show your care about your customers even if they done need the tutorial. Who knows it might encourage them to buy a product or service they where hesitate about because they are a novice , but they know they got the tutorial on the simple item!

9. Emails Tips to Potential Customers!

Emailing tips to potential customers can be a great way to gain their confidence and make sales! Everyone loves free tips that work. This a great way to promote yourself as an expert to your potential customers. Giving potential customers is a way for them to basically sample your expertise before making a purchase. If you provide great tips that are related to your product or service you are going to generate more sales. If you tips are good enough you can be sure people will share them and could easily help to grow your email list too!

10. Make it Easy to Unsubscribe

Making it easy to unsubscribe from your list is a must and is going to benefit you in the long run in several ways. By law you are required to let people on your list unsubscribe. Technically you do not have to include a link to make the unsubscribe process quick an easy included in your emails. I have received plenty of emails that do not include a link and you have to actually contact the sender to get off the list. If most people can’t unsubscribe easy they are not going to make the effort to contact you they are just going to send your email to spam. This is going to hurt your sending reputation and hurt your deliverability in the long run. So resist the temptation to make it hard to unsubscribe your are going to avoid spam complaints and in the end you need to find customers that are interested in your products or service and you don’t want to waste time and efforts on people that just aren’t interested anymore.


These 10 steps will get you started on using email marketing to grow your business. When your running a business you need to understand your customers. This is a great what to interact with your customers and continue to improve your products or service as your business grows over time.


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