Business Email

How to Write a Business Email: Lets Keep it Professional

A professional business email is very different than an email you would send to a family member, friend or as a customer. You need to make sure you present yourself in a professional, business-like manner. When writing an business email you have to always remember to be in the mind-set of, this is my business, this is my reputation, I am trying to keep customers/partners happy and make a good profit. With this being said, let take a look at exactly how you should go about writing a good, professional business email.


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How Important is Writing a Business Email Correctly

It is very important. This is your business and your reputation. You are trying to make valuable and profitable connections, so how you come across in your email matters. The first email a person receives from you is going to be their first impression so you need to make it good one. Whether you are sending an email to a customer or another business, make sure that you come across in a way that is going to be received well. What do I mean by “received well”? For example, if you are sending an email to promote a product you want to make sure that the customer is acknowledge so make sure you include their name (and make sure you have the correct name too!). People are more likely to be receptive to an email that is directly sent to them personally. Also, you want to make sure that the content of your email does not offend them in any way. You want to make sure that your “tone” of your email is not too pushy or condescending so make sure you choose your words wisely. Taking all of these pointers into account will really help you create a business email that will get someone’s attention and have the desired effect you are looking for.

What is the Content of a Business Email

The content of your business email must reflect what you are trying to get out of sending the email. Are you sending an email to a customer? Are you sending an email to a business partner? Or, are you sending an email to a potential new vendor? All of these emails are business emails but will vary slightly on what you will include in your email content. However, there are things that your business emails will always include, no matter who you are sending them to. This includes the following:

  • Always start with “Hello (their title/fisrt name/last name)” for example: Hello Mr Brimshaw or Hello Dr. Smith – you decide on the level of formality
  • Get to the point of your email in the first sentence so the person knows why you have sent them an email
  • Clearly write the details of your email using as few words as possible
  • Make sure you break your content up into paragraphs (nobody wants to read a solid block of words!)

Recommended Business Email Format

You want your business email to look right. In business there is a certain standard “structor” that is used through the business world. This structure helps you to make sure you get you your message across clearly and professionally. Following this structure will ensure that you make a positive first impression.

Here are the components you should always include in your business email:

  • Subject Line – Make sure it is clear (and catchy if you can)
  • Sender Name – Make sure your business email is set up correctly so that it shows the name of your Company, who the email is from
  • Greeting – You need to understand who you are addressing (is it formal or friendly) in a business friendly tone. 
  • Email body – Always get to the point first, short sentences, clear language, paragraphs, even bullet points can be appropriate
  • Brief summary – conclude your email
  • Sign off – Thank you or Kind Regards are safe bets (I think “thank you in advance” does not come across well, so try to avoid using this)
  • Signature – Make sure you go into your email settings and create a good signature that includes your name, title, ways to contact you and a social media link (if you want to include this).

Make sure to include a “call-to-action” (CTA) at the end of your email so the reader will know what do to next.

Business Email Example

SENDER: Nomad Mogul Business Solutions


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SEO Blogger


With a little extra attention to detail you can send professional emails every time and make sure you make that right first impression. If you don’t have a professional business email set up I have written an article on how to set up one for you for free Click Here to set up your free business email for your domain. I want to leave you with one last peace of advice. Emails are forever, any email you send can be literally forwarded a million times and will live on forever. Keep this in mind when writing all your emails make sure the content of the email is something you would want everyone to see and associate with your business.


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