Free Business Email

How to Set Up a Business Email for Free for Your Domain: STEP-BY-STEP Guide!

This step by step guide will take you through the whole process from start to finish. It is for setting up your business email for your new or existing domain. Setting up your a business email for your new or existing domain is a simple and easy process; it is really is going to be great for your business. Best of all, you can set up this email account for your new or existing domain 100% free without sacrificing any quality. Your new email will look great, have great deliverability and, make you look professional for all of you customers. You don’t need high level developer skills or experience, I am going to take you through the whole process – LETS GO!

What is a business email? Why should I set one up?

Before we get started, let’s go over the basics on why you should be using a business email for your business. A business email is an email address that uses your domain at the end (for example – instead of using popular companies like,, etc. Having an email that contains your domain in it is going to let your customer know that they are dealing directly with someone from your company. Anyone can set up an email from one of the popular providers in just a few minutes. So if you are emailing your customers from a they might instantly have doubts about who they are actually talking to and how serious of a business you are actually running. It’s hard enough to get customers interested in your products or services. Lets make a great first impression and take away all the doubt and get that email set up now!

Step #1 Go to Zoho

The first step to setting up your business email is to go to and click on the “sign up” option to set up a secure business email. I have been using Zoho for over 10 years as my business email provider and have had a great experience. Zoho was founded 17 March 1996 Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India and they serve customers globally.

Step #2 Create Your account

Once you have clicked on sign up for a secure business email, you will need to fill out some of your personal information starting will your first name. They will then ask you to provide an email or a phone number. Keep in mind, if you choose to provide your email use your personal email not the email you are going to create that will come later in the process. After you have decide if you are going to use your email or phone number you will need to add the password you want to use. The last step is to choose the country you are signing up from and agreeing to the terms and conditions plus privacy policy. They also have the option to skip over this step if you want to use your gmail, facebook, or twitter account to sign up with.

Step #3 Choose the Free Sign up Option

Don’t panic, Zoho has some paid options like most other services too if you want a little more from their service but this is not obligatory. You can create up to 5 emails for your business for free!, Just look under the paid options and click on the free plan listed at the bottom!

Step #4 Add Your Domain and Company Information

Now that you have created your account with Zoho, it is time to start setting up your business email for your domain. Click on the “add now” button. Once you click on the add now button you will be asked to enter your domain name, the name of your company and the the industry you are in.

Step #5 Verify Your Domain

After you have enter your domain and company information, Zoho will ask you to verify your domain. This is basically a quick way of providing proof to Zoho that you are the owner of the domain. You will need to go into your hosting account to complete this step. The recommended way of verifying your Domain is to add a txt record. The other two options are adding a Cname record or uploading an HTML file in your website. I would also personally recommend adding a txt record. If you are not familiar with how to do this, your hosting customer support will be able to walk you through it or place it there for you. Once you have added the record, click on “verify” to check your record was added correctly. Keep in mind that it can take some time for this to update on your server, so you might have to check back a few times before you can verify.

Step #6 Choose Your Email Name

Once you have verified your domain it is finally time to set up your email. Enter your desired email name in the space provided and click “create”. This will be your super administrator email. Remember, you can set up 4 other emails for free! Your super administrator email will be the email you use to set up additional emails, make changes, reset passwords etc.

Step #7 Add Additional Users

Now that you have created your super administrator email, the nest step is to create additional users if you need them. Remember, you can add up to 4 additional users – 5 total, for free! Simply fill out your new users first and last name. The user name you use will be used for the email address (for example: “info”) so make sure to have that in mind when you choose the user name. You can also add an image. Lastly, you will need to set up the password for your new user. You can select for you user to keep the password you set or you can set it up so that they can set up their own when they first login. When you have finished creating your users, click on “setup groups” to move to the next step.

Step #8 Setup Groups

In the next step you can set up groups for your email addresses. This is a great option for a small organization groups. It can be used for setting up team selling, team support, event management by a group of marketing users, etc. Users associated with a particular group can access the records shared to a particular group and perform the necessary operations on the records. Simply choose your groups name and add the email addresses you want to have access to the group. You can also add a group logo and description. Groups are optional so just click on procced to DNS mapping if you want to skip setting up groups.

Step #9 DNS Mapping

The next step will require you to go back to your DNS records. Once you have entered all of the required records in your hosting account, you can click “verify” to check the records. Zoho will show you on the right side of the screen if there is an issue with any of the records you have entered. These records can take some time to update on your server so you might have to give it some time and check back.

Step #10 Data Migration

Once your DNS mapping is complete you will have the option for data migration. This is a great feature offered by Zoho but would only apply if you where already using the domain email before and have decided to migrate to Zoho. This option would allow you to migrate all of your pervious data to your new email account.

Step #11 Go Mobile

In the next step, Zoho will give you the option to download the mobile app. Simply click on the link provided to download the app.

You Are Ready to Email!

That’s it! You are all set up with five free business emails for you and your team to use! great job.


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