Nomad Mogul

Nomad Mogul's journey began back in early 2007. A simple dream ... conquer the world of online business and travel the word while doing it! Armed with a Business Degree and a strong will to never work for someone else again, with my days of bagging groceries and serving tables had officially come to an end. So what did I do? I learned as much as I could. Starting with what I had learned from business school but knowing that I had only scrapped the surface

What’s is Cloud Hosting? How does it Compare to a Dedicated Server?

Cloud Hosting was once recovered for big tech companies with big budgets. Cloud hosting recently has become available to everyone and is a very powerful tool to have access to. Unlike traditional hosting where a single server is used to host your content, shared , VPS or a Dedicated Server, Cloud hosting spreads your hosting […]

What’s is Cloud Hosting? How does it Compare to a Dedicated Server? Read More »


Why Mailchimp is Still the Best Email Marketing Platform: You Get What You Pay For!

Mailchimp is Still the Best Email Market Platform Available in 2023. They Still offer up to 2000 subscribers for free to get your business started and moving in the right direction. Mailchimp offer the most robots features for email campaigns on the markets. Setting up an email campaign couldn’t be simpler and can be done

Why Mailchimp is Still the Best Email Marketing Platform: You Get What You Pay For! Read More »